RUB » Physics » The Faculty » Chairs and Working Groups » EP1 » PANDA FEMC Production Database

Show unit 2310024978/2908033014 - Archived data from Tue, 15. November 2022 11:07:35 CET

This is all the information about the unit 2310024978/2908033014. If it is wrong, edit the data.

Unit specification:  
Database number: 3617
Detector: PANDA Capsule 2310024978/2908033014
Submodule: unassigned
Crystal: 3510
Barcode: 1309040827
Measured data:  
Yield (cosmics) for blue APD: not yet measured/stored
Yield (cosmics) for red APD: not yet measured/stored
Length: 0 mm

Teststand results

Creation time Detector Notes
No teststand results available!


Version history

Time Author Change comment
15. Nov 2022 11:09:36 CET oafedulidis Assigned to submodule via API.
15. Nov 2022 11:07:35 CET oafedulidis Auto-created by call to unit assembly API