Production Database for the Forward Endcap of the Target EMC
Welcome to the FEMC Production DB!
The task of this database system is to keep track of all components and information about the construction of the forward endcap of the target electromagnetic calorimeter of the PANDA experiment at Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
The first version of this database system went live on Monday, 28. April 2014. The datasheet informations and first measurement results for VPTTs and APDs have been imported by a script.
The access policy of this database system is the following: Just viewing/reading the data in the database is free, but any kind of write access requires authentication. Members of the Institut für Experimentalphysik I (EP1) of Ruhr-Universität Bochum can simply use their EP1 username/password to login. Users from outside EP1 can be granted an account specific for accessing this database. if you think you need such an account, please don't heasitate to write us an e-mail.
If you encounter any problems or have a question or idea please write to Tobias Triffterer